📚 Lesson Plan #12

Fostering a Love of Math and Shoes Every Kid Will Want!

Happy Monday Extraordinary Educators!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year (it’s hard to read that without singing it, isn’t it?). We’re just a month away from the merry magic of the holidays🎄✨ and at Goodable, we’re bursting with cheer and spreading joy like Mariah Carey’s iconic high notes!

As we count down to the festivities, Goodable in the Classroom is here to make your December lessons merry and bright! Get ready to “sleigh” this season with heartwarming stories, inspiring activities, and a dash of North Pole-level positivity! 🎅🎁📚

You can help us share the gift of learning! Use the link below and share it with all the amazing educators in your school, school board and social groups👇🏼

Kids Create the Playground of Their Dreams

Kids in the UK bring dreams to life in an extraordinary playground. Discover how this imaginative wonderland aims to make playtime legendary for all.

Artist Creates Sculptures You Can Really Get Into

A young artist is turning shoes into mesmerizing masterpieces that come alive with lights, sounds, and spinning wheels. Her creative magic is transforming everyday kicks into wearable works of art that captivate and inspire.

How a Jenga Master Inspired a Hallmark Movie

Meet an extraordinary teen whose skills defy gravity and inspire a tale of triumph. Find out how his unique talent caught the world's attention in unexpected ways!

❤️ A Special Offer Just For You! ❤️

Our mission at Goodable is to spread positivity and make every day a little brighter for you. Did you know that using the Goodable app for just five minutes a day can amplify your happiness by a whopping 96%? Science proves it! And here's something special, exclusively for our Goodable in the Classroom subscribers: you can unlock even more joy with Goodable Plus using promo code CLASS50. That will give you an extra 25% off the already discounted yearly subscription! That’s over 40% off! Start your journey to more happiness today by clicking the link below.👇🏼

The Heart of the Milky Way as We’ve Never Seen It

NASA's latest image from the James Webb Space Telescope offers an unprecedented peek into the heart of our galaxy, unveiling cosmic marvels never seen before.

The Incredible Brain of Nasara James Dabo

Uncover the incredible journey of a 13-year-old math prodigy who's redefining what's possible on the global stage. Discover her exceptional talents that go well beyond numbers and equations.